Buy Tickets
The Camelot Box Office is located at the James Morrison Collier Theatre at 101 Talent Avenue, Talent, Oregon. The Box Office is open four hours before performances, except Sunday. The phone number is 541-535-5250.
You can purchase tickets in several ways:
- Directly from the box in person or by phone.
- Online by clicking here.
You may also email the box office at with a request for reservations. They will contact you by phone to get payment information. Transmission of credit card numbers via email is not secure.
You can find ticket pricing information if you click here.
Times of performances and other schedule information is available here.
Policies concerning refunds, special needs, etc. are shown here.
For your convenience while talking to the box office, here is a seating chart
At Camelot we believe that diversity and inclusion make us stronger and enrich all of our lives. Diversity means inviting new people of different cultures, color, sexual orientation, etc., to the party...inclusion means asking them to dance. As Maya Angelou wrote: “We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal ....”
Camelot Theatre is a non-profit public charity as outlined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Federal Business ID 93-0818429.