Camelot Theatre Company

Mailing Address:
101 Talent Avenue
Talent, Oregon 97540
Phone: 541-535-5250

Map to Camelot

Email our main office

Contact Camelot staff from the Camelot Staff page.

Buy Tickets

Box Office open 4pm to 8pm on performance dates, except Sunday. Visit our ticketing page to buy online.

At Camelot we believe that diversity and inclusion make us stronger and enrich all of our lives. Diversity means inviting new people of different cultures, color, sexual orientation, etc., to the party...inclusion means asking them to dance. As Maya Angelou wrote: “We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal ....”

Camelot Theatre is a non-profit public charity as outlined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Federal Business ID 93-0818429.