Support LIVE THEATRE in Southern Oregon
The direct and indirect impacts of COVID-19 will cause a great deal of hardship for Camelot Theatre due to closing the Theatre.
We've developed a campaign called THEATRE STRONG™ to recognize patrons that donate cancelled performance tickets back to the Theatre and others that make a separate donation while the Theatre remains dark.
We need your help and support to remain strong!
In gratitude, for every ticket donation and contribution we will send you a THEATRE STRONG wristband to proudly show your support of live theatre in Southern Oregon.
Camelot supporters will be recognized in our Playbills this season and all donor announcements.
Thank you in advance for keeping THEATRE STRONG.
Update: We've received incredible response on this campaign, and we are thankful for your generosity. We are marketing the campaign to other theaters in Southern Oregon, and nationwide to help them also remain strong during this crisis.
*Please contact the Camelot Box Office to donate your tickets back to the Theatre. All donors will receive a THEATRE STRONG wristband and pin and will be acknowledged in Playbill and donor announcements.
*To order a THEATRE STRONG wristband and pin, without a ticket donation, please click the button below to make a separate donation. We appreciate your generous support at this time more than ever. All donors will be recognized as THEATRE STRONG donors in Playbills and announcements.
Camelot Theatre is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are fully tax deductible.
At Camelot we believe that diversity and inclusion make us stronger and enrich all of our lives. Diversity means inviting new people of different cultures, color, sexual orientation, etc., to the party...inclusion means asking them to dance. As Maya Angelou wrote: “We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal ....”
Camelot Theatre is a non-profit public charity as outlined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Federal Business ID 93-0818429.